Some of the topics discussed are:
The content encourages and challenges the participant to evaluate their value systems and consequences of wrong choices. They embrace new value systems from scriptures presented to encourage responsible decision making, a purposeful outlook of life, significance and identity in Christ and enhance behavior change. It is scripture based and therefore encourages and disciples the participant to have a walk with God and involve Him in every detail of their lives and most importantly their sexuality because He is the author of sex and sexuality and significant other relationships.
Our sessions run once a week for 12 weeks where we take 3 discussing one chapter. Our hand-outs help the participants to actively interact with the content as they asses their lives and make changes where there is need. We also encourage discussions and place them in discussion groups so that they may share their opinions and get to learn from each other as well. We believe that some of the answers they are looking for are within them and among them and so we just come in to facilitate that, but also offer guidance and shade light on contentious issues.
We also have people come to share their real life stories of mistakes they made, the consequences they faced and the turn-around of their lives brings a lot of impact when in cooperated with the teachings because the participants are able to make a practical sense of the teachings. We also use videos as teaching aids.
It can be facilitated in schools, institutions of higher learning, children homes, or any ladies’ organized groups.